I am a self made woman who has not had any education beyond high school and have lived the better part of my life on “hope and tuna fish sandwiches,” following my heart and passion against all odds. I have never been afraid to use my life in service of others as it brings forth the greatest reward.

I started this charity in 1990 at the ripe age of 28 in my studio apartment in San Francisco. Since that time I have raised nearly $16,000,000.00 with the incredible support of healthcare organizations and corporations who are deeply committed to the health and well being of our nation’s youth. To date we have donated exemplary and innovative PE programs to nearly 1,050 schools in over 300 cities and 40 states. (School and Sponsor spotlight)
30 years of working on this initiative has brought forth a gathering of some of the most dedicated, talented, creative, innovative and forward thinking Physical Education Teachers in America. These teachers have defied all obstacles and there are many that affecting physical education. Yet day in and day out they are on play grounds and in the gymnasiums across the country with passion and a commitment to reach every kid and fill them with confidence, sportsmanship, leadership, true teamwork, cooperation and communication skill development and creating a life long enthusiasm to be active, fit and healthy. Some of these teachers (and a select few of them have become our In-Field Trainers) have gone on to become National All Star Teachers of the Year.
I believe physical education is the most important subject taught in schools. Here is where kids learn life social skills they will bring to the work force someday. It is in physical movement they also prime their brains for learning. If you want kids to get good grades…you don’t cut PE.
I may have started a charity but these teachers are the movement. Peek inside one of their gyms, watch the kids and see the spirit of the PE teacher, see the dynamic things they are doing to bring fitness into education. They create a platform for a kid to explore and find their “fitness self” and to discover “Hey I CAN do this!”
I am not on a soapbox. I am behind the curtain every day of my life helping these oh so powerful people…..PE teachers, their schools and students.
Cheers to 30 years. I am humbled and inspired by all of you!