Picture This!

Guest Blog by Kim Berg-Alamance Elementary School-Greensboro, NC

Picture this….walking into your child’s third grade teacher’s classroom and seeing nothing on the walls.   No procedures, no rules, no signs of curriculum being taught, and no student work.  Would you want your child to have that teacher?

Then think to yourself PE Teachers… what do parents, administrators and other teachers in your school see in your “classroom.”  What is on your walls?

Do your walls have evidence of what is going on in your gym?  Are students being recognized for their achievements?  Eleven years ago, I realized that if people were to walk into my gym, they wouldn’t have a clue to what was happening in my physical education classes.   Not because I was not doing great things… but because I was showing no evidence of what I was teaching and what my students were achieving.   Project Fit America has helped me embrace the philosophy of posting what is important in my gym….key terms, phrases, mottos, and challenge charts.

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions: What do you really want your students to know by the time they leave you? Are your students learning how to set reasonable goals for themselves and achieving them?

As you answer these questions you will not believe the power it brings to your teaching when you put the answers to those questions on your gym walls!  This reinforces everything you are teaching and your students will love it!  Traveling the nation as a PFA Trainer and Mentor Teacher I have seen, first hand, that there are so many wonderful PE teachers out there who are doing amazing things.     I encourage every PE teacher  to show what is going on in your PE program so others can see it!  You and your students are doing great things…time to shine the light and share!


My current “Motto” and Gym Entrance Header. I saw this at motto at Lawhon School in Tupelo, MS and had to bring home to my students. I rotate my “mottos” throughout the year.
Chart and Challenge Wall of Pride!
Chart and Challenge Wall Charts

Chart and Challenge Wall Charts

Word Wall

10 thoughts on “Picture This!”

  1. Kim. I never even thought of it in those terms but so true! This is a good blog – simple, honest and really makes you think? Love it!

  2. Awesome words Kim! It seems so simple yet until I met PFA I never even thought about acknowledging my kids accomplishments. It truly amazing what happens when they can “see it”!!!

  3. I love it! Words to live by!!!
    It is a wonderful site to see a child find their name on the wall- they stand a little taller !! AND all it took was a little extra effort from their teacher.
    Great blog.

  4. Kathie Immerman

    Great words to teach by and power up! Wonderful things can happen in the gym, we just need to take the time to show it. Thank you for taking the time and all your effort and allowing your students to shine. Awesome!

  5. I remember the first time I saw that big ol gym and outstanding teacher. I knew good PFA programing was going to grow there. Kim, you have exploded it into high level National exemplary Phys Ed programing. So many kids and teachers continue to profit from your passionate work. Proud of you girl!

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